Model Alisha Dark and Stormy Themed Photo Shoot

Model Alisha Dark and Stormy Themed Photo ShootModel Alisha Dark and Stormy Themed Photo Shoot

When you are a photographer, you put on many different hats. One of my favorite hats to wear is a photographer for models doing themed shoots. These can be such amazing ways for me to express my artistry on my own terms. Creativity is one of the things that drives me as an artist, so having the opportunity to take a moment to work with this model on this product was so awesome. This is a look at my Dark and Stormy themed photo shoot with the incredible model Alisha.

You can see that there is a nice balance between the dark and the light in this image. The lighting illuminates half of her face, creating an accent shadow that frames her stunning face. With this little bit of lighting, you can see the look of mystery on Alisha’s face which does add just another layer of perfection to this photograph. Her hair is styled in a manner that also frames her face, making her stand out even in the darkness all around her. You can see enough of her posture to show that this is a confident model who will overcome even in this darkness.

The background was also such an important part of this photoshoot. The illumination in the background gives the appearance of the moon coming through clouds, creating such a beautiful backdrop to this image. You can see very complex coloring in the background, blues, blacks, and purples coming together where the moonlight is. The spot where the moon effect was perfectly placed to highlight the areas where the front lighting did not catch, which added more depth and layers to this photograph. It helps you to see the silhouette of the model, making her pop from the background even more.

The problem with a theme like this can be balancing the dark elements with the light ones. You need to have a perfect balance because otherwise the image can look too dark, which will make a horrible image. I feel as though this image does achieve the perfect balance to make it a very aesthetically appealing image. The few colors in this image are excellent highlights to balance out all the darkness but even the darkness is rich and purposeful.

There is a trick to perfectly capturing images like this so that you get the perfect balance of dark and light in it. I used the lighting in this image to create a frame around Alisha, who was the perfect model during this process. Giving the illusion that she was standing in the spotlight and it still went right through her was a great challenge for me. I think I achieved exactly what I wanted to with this photograph. I would love to take a moment to thank Alisha for working with me on this Dark and Stormy themed photoshoot. She was amazing to work with and was very kind during the entire process. Photographers rely on their models to help bring their work to life and Alisha did exactly that for me.

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