Music Artist Art Mulcahy

Music Artist Art Mulcahy
Music Artist Art Mulcahy

Artists love working with other artists. This can help to expand our limits as far as our artistic capabilities. When music artist Mulcahy came to me for his music art, I was excited to work with him. I could not wait to see what creative looks we could come up with. I was tasked with not only photographing him for his music artwork, but to also edit the images in a way to create stunning images that would help to represent his music in a special way. This will show you the pieces that I came up with for this very talented artist.

In this first image, the goal is to capture the experience of seeing him live. I took an image of him playing his guitar as if he were rocking out to an arena full of fans. Then that was stylized it against a smoky backdrop that resembled a stage where he would be playing at a big gig, his name near the top corner of the image along with a symbol that represents his music. Fender added to the image, displaying the guitar of choice for this image. To bring the complete feeling, silhouettes of adoring fans cheering him on as he plays his music.
Music Artist Art MulcahyIn this next image, I wanted to capture the thoughtful songwriter behind the performer. Posed casually with his guitar, he looks thoughtfully in the distance. The backdrop is a neutral color and calming white room. There is light coming through, offering a nice bright background for him. He is dressed in his regular apparel to give a more honest image of this musician. It shows him as a songwriter, not just a performer. His name and symbol are emblazoned in the background as well. It stands out well against the all-white background.

Music Artist Art Mulcahy

These are just two of the options that have been created for Mulcahy to choose from for his music. Musicians need music art that is honest and perfectly represents them as artists. I like to add little touches that help to accomplish this as well as to make this artist relative to fans. People love music that they can related to. These images help to make him approachable, giving fans an insight to who Mulcahy is as an artist.

I have a great deal of respect for Mulcahy as an artist and it was a joy to work together with him for his music art. I hope that he had as much fun working with me. It took some time to carefully craft these images to create the perfect photographs for his music. I hope that these images help to inspire more people to listen to his music. I wanted to choose one image that is simple and one that has a bit more flair to it to give him options as to which one he felt would be the best choice to represent his music releases. Some songs are more somber than others while others are more exciting, so having different options can help to better represent his releases.

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