Just Because You Have A Camera

Just Because You Have A Camera…

Almost everyone has a camera nowadays – on your phone, your tablet, your key fob, just about anywhere. Some of you might even own an actual camera of one level of capability or other.

Again…Just because you have a camera…

Having agreed we all have a camera, how many of you can honestly put you hand up and announce you can take a really good, professional grade photograph upon command? Very, very few of you. And why is that? The answer is simple: few people really understand what it takes to get a photo just right, accepting those fuzzy, poorly arranged holiday snaps because you associate them with the fun at the time. The concept of arranging a photo is foreign to most people, and only some of the time – and mostly by accident – can they take a picture quickly and get something that isn’t fuzzy, cutting off feet or the tops of heads, or get a great shot of someone with their mouth part open or their eyes part closed.

A professional photographer, by the nature of their experience and expertise, will have researched your company and understand the event for which they have been hired. There are many things they will need to consider, and the primary one is lighting. The difference between a snap and a professional photo of a person or group of people is the quality of the lighting. Use of specific light sources is critical. Another consideration and one that marks a quality photo is how well they draw your attention to the subject of the photo. By using just the right arrangement of objects in the picture combined with depth of field (what is in focus) will naturally lead the eye to the subject.

Another important point to consider is that many business events are one off, or at most annual. The last thing you want is to lose this photo opportunity – the business risk is too high. Professional photographers mitigate this risk, and with the advent of digital photography, you can even get a quick progress update during the event, ensuring you are on-track with your expectations. A professional photographer will discreetly and courteously mingle, taking quality, natural shots usable later for media coverage, whether newspaper, magazine or online. Ever noticed that the best photos of industry leaders are natural? They are taken while the subject is discussing matters they believe in, bringing out that ardent, enthusiastic expression that lacks the self-conscious look of the posed photo.

I will ask the question again – Just because you have a camera 🙂 how many of you still think you can take a really good, professional quality photograph?  I’m pretty sure that number has just dwindled significantly, and I have only just begun outlining the minimal considerations that make a quality shot.

Just because you have a camera, when a member of your staff offers to take the photos at your business event, decline politely and take up the services of a professional photographer.


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