

engagement photo on water

Engagement Lexi and Tom – session was so amazing. Engagements are a major next step in a couple’s life together. This is an exciting time that can be stressful but should be celebrated every step of the way. Lexi and Tom wanted to celebrate this exciting time in their lives by having a fun photoshoot so that they can share these pictures with their loved ones. I am always honored to share in these special moments.

save the date

Casually dressed in this image, they are proudly displaying their big day. You can see the joy and excitement on both of their faces. They look ready to keep moving forward through this amazing journey of life together.

engagement photo

Lexi and Tom were really fun to work with. They have such incredible personalities that it was easy to capture their distinct personalities. In this image, Lexi is behind Tom hugging him while glowing. Tom posed with his best power pose, giving a thumbs up to the camera.

fun engagement photo

“Blooper” type shots are always so fun to share because you can really get a look at who the people are in the photos. It also gives them something special to remember from these engagement photos, which can seem stuffy at times. Fun shots like this are great to break up the otherwise formal photos.

fun engagement

This is a couple who has a lot of fun together. It’s this fun-loving attitude that will help carry them through the ups and downs that life can bring. Lexi and Tom are going to have such an amazing future together.

engagement photos

After a wardrobe change, the couple opted for something more formal in these shots. Still, their fun personalities are on full display in these images. Lexi is glowing in all of these photos and Tom looks just as excited for their future together.

water reflection engagement photo

One of the best things about this image is the reflections from the water in the background. This was such a perfect location for this photo. The natural elements in the background work so well with the couple as they sit together lovingly.

engagement photo with water reflection

Again, I really loved this location. In this shot, you get a clearer picture of the stunning natural beauty behind them. This picturesque location only helps the couple and their love shine even more in this photo. The little hand holding and the great smiles on their faces are the stars of this photo. The rocks are even positioned perfectly for a wide range of sweet poses between these two.

Engagement photos are just so incredible to take part in. Couples are always so excited for their future that they glow in every image. Lexi and Tom were a really fun couple that wanted to show off their playful side while allowing their friends and family to share in their love. I hope that these photos did well to highlight their awesome personalities and their pure love together. I wish Lexi and Tom an amazing future together, one that is full of love and happiness. Thank you for letting me share in this moment with you.



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